Corporate Governance
Details of Key Managerial Personnel contact details
Name of KMP
Mr. Salil Taneja - Whole-time Director
Mr. Aditya Shashikant Oza- Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Mr. Sudish Kumar Kuttappan Nair- Chief Financial Officer
Intimation under Reg. 30
1.Insurance Claim Receipt 
2. Intimation of appointment of CFO 
3.Intimation of resignation Company Secretary and Compliance Officer 
4.Intimation of Appointment of Company Secretary 
5.TEL Regulation 30 Closure of First Airways BSE 
6.Intimation of Resignation and Appointment of CFO 
7.Compositionof the Committees of the Board of Directors
8.TEL Disclosure Under Regulation
9. Intimation of Resignation of CFO
10. Intimation for Appointment of Director
11. TEL Disclosure Under Regulation 30
12. TEL Disclosure Under Regulation 30- Appointment of Company Secretray and Compliance officer 
13. TEL Disclosure Under Regulation 30- Appointment of Chief Financial officer 
14. Resignation of Ms. Priya Chouksey as Company Secretray and Compliance officer 
15. Appointment of Mr. Aditya Oza as Company Secretray and Compliance officer 
16. Intimation to BSE under regulation 31A(8)(c)

17. Intimation to BSE regarding Change of Name of RTA

18. Intimation to BSE under regulation 31A(8)(d)